Our flexible tech stack


I'm excited to announce that we've finally migrated from our original, in-house-built origination and servicing system to a comprehensive, all-in-one SaaS solution. This marks a new era of efficiency and capability for us.

The Power of No-Code Solutions Our initial system, a patchwork of no-code solutions, was nothing short of remarkable. For over three years, it supported us through more than 400 loans, a testament to the capabilities of no-code technologies. (I can code now, but I didn't at the time).

The system's simplicity and flexibility were its strengths, serving us well beyond our initial expectations.

Why the Upgrade? As we grew, our needs evolved. Key factors driving our upgrade included the need for a more robust servicing solution with NACHA file capabilities and the integration of an investor module.

A Tech-Stack Breakdown for Smaller Lenders For smaller lenders or individuals managing a loan portfolio, starting with a no-code, Airtable-based system can be both cost-effective and sufficient. Here’s a glimpse into the tech stack that powered our operations:

  • Airtable: Our central database for loan, user, and CRM data, equipped with automation capabilities for tasks like email/text reminders.
  • Stacker: A user-friendly portal for borrowers and loan officers to access database information.
  • Typeform & Formstack: Tools for lead intake on our website and document merges, respectively. (Note: Excel could be a free alternative for document merging.)
  • Slack: Essential for internal communications and notifications, like alerts for new loan requests.
  • Zapier: The glue that connected all these disparate elements where direct integrations were not available.
  • Juniper Square: investor management

Looking Ahead Our new SaaS platform is a leap forward, offering more than just loan servicing. It's a comprehensive suite designed to scale, manage complex scenarios, and enhance investor relations. This upgrade is part of our commitment to staying at the forefront of lending technology, ensuring we provide our clients and investors the best service.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

-Matt Weidert Be the Bank


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