Ranking the five ways we generate leads


At Longleaf, connecting with the right clients is as crucial as providing top-notch lending services. I wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how we generate most of our leads, ranked by the quality and conversion rate.

1. Ground game: the personal touch

Our most effective leads often come from the good old-fashioned groundwork. There’s something irreplaceable about face-to-face interactions. Whether it's shaking hands at events we sponsor, engaging in lively discussions at industry meet-ups, or even bidding strategies at foreclosure auctions, these interactions lay the foundation for enduring relationships with our borrowers.

Our presence in these spaces isn’t just about brand visibility; it’s about building a network grounded in genuine interactions and mutual interests

2. Referrals: trust goes a long way

Referrals from our existing clients are a testament to the trust and satisfaction we’ve cultivated. These leads come with a built-in rapport, often leading to more straightforward discussions around loan terms.

Each referral is not just a potential new client but also an affirmation of the good work we’ve done, encouraging us to maintain and exceed the high standards we’ve set for ourselves.

3. Brokers: a double-edged sword

Working with brokers can be hit or miss. While we value the deals they bring to our table, the quality can vary. Unlike us, brokers aren’t in it for the long haul with each deal - they don't have any skin in the game post-close. So we approach these leads with a mix of optimism and caution.

4. Website SEO: the digital footprint

Our online presence has its role to play. Through SEO and high-quality content, we’ve managed to draw in a diverse range of leads. Some of our best clients started their journey with us through a Google search, but it’s fair to say that this method brings its share of dead ends too.

5. Paid ads: testing the waters

We’re venturing into the world of paid advertising, exploring platforms like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. As we gear up for 2024, we’re testing our approach to make sure we can track and measure the return on ad spend.

Future Plans: cold emailing

Looking ahead, we’re planning to experiment with cold emailing. Tools like Apollo.io seem promising, and we’re curious to see how this tactic will play out in generating new leads and how targeted we can be with our contacts.

Every method has its unique benefits and challenges, but one thing remains constant — our commitment to building strong, meaningful connections with our clients.

Thanks for reading!

-Matt Weidert Be the Bank


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